Richard Schrag

Richard Schrag

Richard Schrag

A “charter member” of RBDG, Richard has been designing projects with RBDG since the early 1980s. Richard is a project manager involved with all aspects of our recording studio and broadcast facility design. He is RBDG’s in-house engineering liaison for mechanical noise and vibration control, and technical power and grounding systems. He is also the firm’s most prolific writer and editor, whether in 20-page construction punch lists or as the author of a variety of technical articles in trade publications. The path that Richard took to reach this point in his career is quite unique in this industry; he actually intended to be doing what he was doing. After obtaining an engineering degree focusing on architectural acoustics, Richard gained experience with other acoustical consulting firms prior to his association with RBDG.

Richard is an accomplished pianist and enjoys seeing both his musical and scientific proclivities finding new roots in his sons Steven and Michael. He and his wife Roxanne, college sweethearts in Iowa, have family spread out all across the country, providing a wealth of ready-made vacation destinations.


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1980
Masters of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Iowa State University, 1982

Professional Affiliations

NCAC – National Council of Acoustical Consultants (Board)
ASA – Acoustical Society of America
AES – Audio Engineering Society of America