Media Resource Group
The A/V production area is composed of a state-of-the-art recording studio with a control room and an audio studio with four integral booths. Dividing the control room from the audio studio is a floor-to-ceiling double glass wall allowing optimal interaction between the artist and the production team. The studio’s technology includes a Euphonix CS3000 console with 5.1 surround sound mixing and a Studer 48-track digital recorder. Supporting the recording studio is a MIDI production studio featuring digital multi-track recording, an AVID Audio Visions Room, and eight Pro Tools hard disc editing suites.
MRG’s Technical Operations Center supports three video post rooms with digital Betacam, two on-line video editing suites, one off-line suite and a 3,500 sq.ft.soundstage. With so many capabilities and specializations offered, MRG is a one-stop shop for those in need of audio/visual services.
Beyond the 17,000 square feet occupied by MRG, their former parent company and mall co-tenant Life Care Centers of America hired RBDG to transform an additional 18,000 square feet of undeveloped space into an acoustically sound telecommunications center and a 153-seat lecture center/screening room, with two dedicated teleconferencing rooms and support areas.